
Waste Management Services

We advise you on methods to manage your waste more cost effectively and efficiently. Our comprehensive waste services include the pre-treatment, intermediate storage and reconditioning of dangerous industrial waste products. To reduce waste disposal, we are constantly investigating ways to recycle and reuse materials to avoid contributing to landfill.

Processing is carried out at our licensed treatment plants by our accredited technicians. All our work complies with the latest national and international environmental principles. We provide you with certification as proof that your waste has been processed in a manner compliant with the regulations for your industry. This can be used for other administrative requirements such as supply permits, transport and safety documents.

Our waste management services include:

  • HCF Linkage with CBMWTF
  • Authorization under BMW/ Hazard waste/ E-waste
  • Consent to Establishment(CTE) from SPCB (Healthcare/Industry)
  • Consent to Operate (CTO) from SPCB (Healthcare/Industry)
  • Training on Waste Management (BMW / E-Waste/Plastic Waste/Municipal Waste etc.)